Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daa-dum! Daa-dum, daa-dum, daa-dum!

shark picture

And the Summer Reading Program is sneaking up on us, too. Yikes!

7 1/2 Habits

Treating problems as challenges will be the easiest part for me. I always learn best when trying to fix my own errors. Also, my supervisor and co-workers are all very knowledgeable and willing to help me with problems that I encounter.

The hardest part will be finding the time to play. I rarely schedule play into my day because I'm enrolled in the MLIS program at OU/Tulsa. Making myself take the time to play will be difficult.

Hello out there!

This is my first-ever blog post. I'm really looking forward to learning all the new tech stuff. I'm getting a late start, so I'll need to run fast to catch up with everyone else.